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Our track feedback service offers you the opportuntiy to have your track picked apart to help you get to the bottom of any problematic areas that you are encountering with your music production. Are the issues creative or technical? are you sruggling with your arrangements or mixdowns? You might even already be on the right track but you need clarification from a music industry professional of 25 years. You tell us, and we will help you. There is nothing that we cannot help you with.


Your track feedback will be delivered to you in writing via email. If you require a more in-person approach to your feedback you can book Nurve for an online 1-1 mentoring session and recieve verbal feedback on your music along with practical demonstrations for issues highlighted during the session. You can recieve feedback on up to 3 tracks for a 1 hour session.

Track Feedback (Written)

  • Upon purchasing your track feedback you will receive a confirmation email containing a PDF with information about where to send your track(s) along with more information to read through before sending your download link.

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